Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Sunday, December 15, 2013


21 < smv > 21 That's the only way, cricket: love.
18 < Rick > extruder?
18 < smv > But love is hard, and a complex thing in itself.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

<ItalianSpiderman> What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?
<ItalianSpiderman> what happens to an EsotericA deferred?
<psychopomp> perhaps it ages, like wine
<psychopomp> i meant that in response to the first question btw
<ItalianSpiderman> Or fester like a sore--
<ItalianSpiderman> And then run?
<tzartzar> I'm younger than you, psychopomp.
<ItalianSpiderman> Does it stink like rotten meat?
<ItalianSpiderman> Or crust and sugar over--
<ItalianSpiderman> like a syrupy sweet?
<ItalianSpiderman> Maybe it just sags
<ItalianSpiderman> like a heavy load.
<ItalianSpiderman> Or does it explode?

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


<keretok> :3
<Rnuomer> =:4
<Carl_Miller> >:5
<Rnuomer> 6:=
<Carl_Miller> \:7
<Rnuomer> =8o
<Carl_Miller> :9

Eso and TashRikil, #here

* TashRikil (TashRikil@occult-202F21A1.hsd1.XXX) has joined #here
* Hermes gives voice to TashRikil
<crow> What did you draw at the bottom, eso?
<crow> I can't see it.
<EsotericA> hey TashRikil
<EsotericA> bottom?
<TashRikil> hi! and no. i'm not a bottom. :P
<TashRikil> well maybe. depends.